The social media phase of the Internet ended – messaging is the new social media

Fred Wilson asked What Just Happened in 2014 and shared ten insights.

Here are the first two:

1/ the social media phase of the Internet ended. this may have happened a few years ago actually but i felt it strongly this year. entrepreneurs and developers still build social applications. we still use them. but there isn’t much innovation here anymore. the big platforms are mature. their place is secure.

2/ messaging is the new social media. this may be part of what is going on in 1/. families use whatsapp groups instead of facebook. kids use snapchat instead of instagram. facebook’s acquisition of whatsapp in february of this year was the transaction that defined this trend.

This morning, Martin Weigert looks back and explains How everybody was wrong about the future of Social Networking.

This is just anecdotal but I know people who have completely abandoned Facebook and use now a combination of Instagram and WhatsApp (or other messengers) to satisfy their social networking needs. I do not rule out that this becomes a widespread phenomenon.

That will resonate with any number of diehard BBM addicts I know.