There may be a way for Obama…


“…There may be a way for Obama (if he has the guts) to force the Senate’s hand to do its job to consider and vote on Merrick Garland’s appointment to the Supreme Court and if they do not, to seat Judge Garland on the Court without their action.

“There is a maxim in the law, from the Latin, “Qui tacet consentire videtur, ubi loqui debuit ac potuit” (He who is silent, when he ought to have spoken and was able to, is taken to agree). 4 Wigmore on Evidence, 3rd ed., § 1071

“Thus, legally, consensus can be presumed to exist until voiced disagreement becomes evident.

“A corollary is that if you disagree, the onus is on you to say so.”

Did Obama’s Ground Game Matter The Influence of…


Did Obama’s Ground Game Matter?

The Influence of Local Field Offices During the 2008 Presidential Election

Imbued with unprecedented financial resources, the Obama 2008 presidential campaign established more than 700 field offices across the country, mostly in battleground states. To what extend did this form of campaigning actually affect the presidential vote? This article examines the county-level presidential vote in 2008 in eleven battleground states. The findings show that those counties in which the Obama campaign had established field offices during the general election saw a disproportionate increase in the Democratic vote share. Furthermore, this field office-induced vote increase was large enough to flip three battleground states from Republican to Democratic.

Barack Hussein Obama

On my 40th birthday, I found myself in the United States booth in the Exhibition Hall of World Urban Forum 5 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They used an entire wall to create a photo opportunity for Forum attendess to shake hands with The President. So I did.

Two and half years later, it’s Election Day in The United States.

For President Obama, it’s Re-Election Day… or maybe the U.S. Electorate will vote Tails instead of Heads and The World wakes up to President-Elect Romney.

Whoever wins tonight, or in the days that follow pending an inconclusive result, it will be a night of nuanced firsts:
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Only Obama could go to Cairo

On the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, we can remind ourselves of the saying from an era before that event which was a “New Beginning” between Mao’s China, the United States, and the rest of the world: “Only Nixon could go to China”.

Twenty years from today in 2029, on the 40th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, we will look back and say, “Only Obama could go to Cairo “; “Only Obama could go to Egypt “.
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