Barack Hussein Obama

On my 40th birthday, I found myself in the United States booth in the Exhibition Hall of World Urban Forum 5 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They used an entire wall to create a photo opportunity for Forum attendess to shake hands with The President. So I did.

Two and half years later, it’s Election Day in The United States.

For President Obama, it’s Re-Election Day… or maybe the U.S. Electorate will vote Tails instead of Heads and The World wakes up to President-Elect Romney.

Whoever wins tonight, or in the days that follow pending an inconclusive result, it will be a night of nuanced firsts:

  1. It is the first time ever an African American Black Man is running for Re-Election as President of the United States
  2. It is the second time ever that a Catholic, Joe Biden, is running for Re-Election as Vice-President of the United States
  3. Mitt Romney is the first Mormon to be a major party Candidate for President

Lewis Lapham’s preamble, Feast of Fools, in the current Politics themed issue of Lapham’s Quarterly is a marvelous reminder of the true nature of the choice (or lack thereof) the American People are facing today.

To drive home the point either choice is re-inforcing a Plutocracy, Smithsonian Magazine reminds us:

When Republicans Were Blue and Democrats Were Red

Lapham followed up with Northern Hospitality, today’s Deja Vu blog post:

Ever since the Revolution, Americans have had a longstanding tradition of heading for Canada when politics turn sour.

And perhaps ever since The American Rebellion as United Empire Loyalists deem The American Revolution, Canadians have been indifferent.

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Marc Weisblott
has a quick item up on with a twitter roundup proving the point somewhat:

‘Who cares about the U.S. election?’ annoyed Canadians ask on Twitter

Michigan’s favourite wanna-be Canadian, Michael Moore, has other things on his mind:

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Before Rosa Parks, there was Susan B. Anthony:

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140 years later, we’re still talking voter suppression in 140 characters:

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As for the diebold, I mean, die-hard birthers out there, THIS:

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Four years ago, after watching the U.S. Election results on the big screen of the Bloor Cinema, I headed to Yonge-Dundas Square where the young of my city, Toronto, were celebrating with chants of Barack Hussein Obama! Barack Hussein Obama!! Barack Hussein Obama!!!

After eight years of George W. Bush (Oh hey, whatever happened to that guy?) The youth called their impromptu public space party:

Welcome Back America, Barack Obama Victory, Yonge-Dundas Square Toronto November 4 2008

Unlike Barack Obama, Willard Mitt Romney gets by using his middle name.

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