Steve Jobs code named Lisa for his…


“…Steve Jobs code-named Lisa for his daughter, but nobody acknowledged that at the time. Instead, Apple told people it was an acronym for “Local Integrated System Architecture”. Folks who know better decided it really meant “Let’s invent some acronym”.”

Complexity isn’t the reason why Netflix doesn’t…


“Complexity isn’t the reason why Netflix doesn’t allow offline viewing. It’s just their excuse for not having it yet. It’s right out of the Steve Jobs handbook: something you don’t offer is a terrible idea, until you offer it yourself, at which point you explain why your solution is the first to get it right.”

Would you rather do something extraordinary that…


“…Would you rather do something extraordinary that benefits the lives of millions of people? Or be liked by several hundred? And does it have to be an either-or question?

The answer, like [Steve] Jobs, is complicated.”