a big idea or a new discovery…


“…a big idea or a new discovery is never enough. For any innovation to have an impact, there needs to be a discovery on an important insight; a viable, scalable solution; and, finally, a business model that allows the new idea to be adopted.

“Second, geniuses rarely act alone. Fleming’s pioneering work on penicillin not only was supported by Florey and Chain but also built on the work of earlier scientists, such as Ignaz Semmelweis, Louis Pasteur, and Robert Koch. Moreover, the science would never have found its practical application without support from the Rockefeller Foundation and the U.S. government.

“And consider that although government support has been instrumental in both medical breakthroughs and technological developments, such as the internet and GPS, the vast majority of innovators have to stumble ahead on their own when it comes to innovation’s final step: figuring out the business model.”


How Business Model Impacts Valuation And Strategy Tech…


How Business Model Impacts Valuation And Strategy: Tech Valuations 101

“…it’s important to note that a business model can be high margin but the company purposely keeps reported margin down as it redeploys the profits back into the business to drive market share gains.”


Business without Bankruptcy is a little like…


“Business without Bankruptcy is a little like Christianity without Hell” – Michael Hlinka on CBC Toronto Metro Morning quoting a business executive whose name he can’t remember.

Original Quote: “Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell.” — Frank Borman
