How To Bounce Back From Burnout

Carol Ross writing in Forbes explains Four Phases necessary to Bounce Back From Burnout

Phase 3 is about rewiring your brain, so new neural pathways are formed to replace old habits of thinking. This step is critical, because thoughts lead to emotions, which lead to behavior.

Changing your thought pattern to more positive, constructive thoughts is like upgrading your “operating system.” And just like a computer, when you do that, everything runs more smoothly.

Furthermore, Ross gives five How-To helpers for Phase 3. Number four:

4. Choose your beliefs and then test them in the world daily. In the video, Celebrate What’s Right With the World, a photographer for National Geographic gives examples of how his beliefs influenced what he was able to see, and thus capture in photos. He calls this: “Believing is seeing.”

That more than anything else, is the best articulation of the nagging feeling of why I need to return to photoblogging properly on a daily basis.