Every startup founder that’s been slogging it…

“… Every startup founder that’s been slogging it out long enough will tell you “It never gets easier.” If you manage to truly find product market fit, maybe you’re no longer worrying about making rent; instead though, you’re worrying about how to negotiate a larger office, or how to fire your first employee, or how to sustain growth off an ever-increasing base, or how to make it home in time for dinner with your family.

“Starting a startup is fun. Sustaining a startup is grueling. Sure, there’s the off-chance you might sell, but that’s likely five to ten years out. In between, there’s countless sacrifices along the way. And if you’re among “the other 95%”, there’s all that same sacrifice only to ultimately wind down something you’ve put more into than potentially anything else in your life.

“Why on earth should anyone commit to this? Simple — because you can’t not do it. Because if you don’t, then who will? This reasoning is similar to the makings of great side projects. It’s not done for the fame, or the fortune, it’s done for the love of making something that might not exist without you.”
